Metroid Prime: Corruption, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, Super Mario Galaxy, along with a handful of other promising games to come in the future, it seemed like the obvious choice.
But was it really that easy?
Looking at the 360's list of upcoming attractions, a few games I'm familiar with, along with new names, and promising experiences fill the list. Gears of War, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, BioShock, Mass Effect, Too Human, Halo 3, Fable 2, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Assasin's Creed. To name a few.
Perhaps someone else is wondering the same thing? Which should you go for? Let's take a closer, in-depth look!
It's an adorable little machine, for a relatively low price, and it's packing a mighty punch. The Wii is offering a delicious new way of playing old-style video games, as well as allowing all new kinds of games to present themselves. Nintendo has met, and exceeded, the market standard in online gaming that they were pooh-poohed for neglecting on the Gamecube. Plenty of online capabilities including, but not limited to: Classic NES, SNES, and N64 games available through their Virtual Consol, as well as Online Multiplayer for certain games. Powering graphics that push beyond the boundaries of the Gamecube, but still quite limited to what the competition can produce, The Wii still remains a grand choice for a proper Next-Gen Consol.
Upcoming games for the Wii are not many in number, but they are familiar and warm with names I know well.
Metroid Prime: Corruption came out just recently, and has been hailed as "Fucking awesome" by many. Metroid Prime has been one of my favorite series on the Gamecube, and not being able to finish it would be a constant gnawing in my mind. Forever in the dark of how the adventure came to a close.

Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles could be a hit or miss. Although, unlike Super Mario Galaxy, I'll be keeping up to date with it, remaining excited and hopeful for the newest Nintendo-bound Resident Evil game.
does have its interesting bits.
New games are sure to pop-up in the future of the Wii as well, offering much more variety, and diversity to any gaming library.
Wii: $333.50
Controllers With Nunchuk: $80.50 each
Games: $70.00 each
Total: (2 controllers, 3 games) = $704.50 over the course of several months.
Over All the Wii is a very reliable gaming consol. Combining the classic game series' that I can trust for a good time, along with new ones that I can further explore. It offers new, really fun gaming, and affordability. Such a bundle one might only be able to find in an annoying car commercial if it weren't for the Nintendo Wii.
Bad ass new controller is sure to offer up some awesome ways to play games.
Favorite series such as Metroid Prime and Super Smash Brothers are available.
New games sure to please the soul.
CONS: Not as powerful as the other Next-Gen consoles, so it won't be as pretty.
Lacks some really good games as of now (Other than Metroid Prime).
What the fuck is up with all the crap clogging up the gaming library? Seriously.
That was a short summary of the Wii and how I feel about it. Now let's bring out the copmetition.
Halo 3: Shut up. I know what I just said, but it's effing Halo! I demand to finish the fight and whoop some Brute ass!
Mass Effect: I think it's a pretty well known fact that if you see a game and it has the word "BioWare" on it somewhere: it's an awesome game. Mass Effect is BioWare's latest RPG for the -guess what- 360. But it doesn't play like an RPG. It plays like a third person shooter, and looks like a very well polished classic Sci-Fi TV show- but not in a bad way! Very large amounts of detailed character customization, as well as many worlds to explore in the Galaxy, and a crew to assemble and command, Mass Effect looks very cool indeed. Shipping late November.

Others that look cool, but you probably know something about them, or perhaps they're coming out in a very long time: BioShock, GTA IV, Too Human, Gears of War, Oblivion, and a little Fable 2. Maybe even Dead Rising.
Costs (With Taxes):
Xbox 360: $458.85
Elite (As seen in picture):$573.85
Games: $80.49 Each
Controllers: $69.00 Each
Xbox Live: $50.00 a Year
Total: (2 controllers 3 games) $826.83 With Xbox Live subscription: $876.83
(Elite, 2 controllers 3 games) $941.83 With Xbox Live subscription: $991.83
Over All: The Xbox 360 is certainly an impressive machine with a very good line-up of games. Xbox Live allows the maximum amount of gameplay out of each and every game you have. Maybe it's not quite as affordable as the Wii, but it certainly is quite the contender, and a fine choice for a Gaming consol.
PROS: Promise of a Vast gaming library
Xbox live compatibility with nearly everything
Friends who own Xbox 360s offer up plenty of chance for some LANing fun.
Games look nicer. . .? Woo hoo?
CONS: Xbox live costs money :(
Lots of games may take years to come out.
Lots of people of Xbox Live are douche bags.
The Xbox 360 is pretty pricey.
Lots of games may lead to not a whole lot of money.
Too many First Person shooters, not enough diversity.
The Choice.
Well, it's been a long post, but I think it really allowed me to make the proper choice. The Nintendo Wii is the system for me. The games for it are the games I know and love on the Gamecube, and on the N64. Being the cheaper of the two is probably the most influencial aspect of the Wii, seeing as how I don't really feel like droping too much money for my gaming consol, and as Jordan stated, I can always work my way towards a 360 in the duration the console's life-span. Or even after the Xbox (360 x 2)^1 comes out. Plus, and extensive gaming library from the 360, and $80.00 could end up being a very, very shitty thing. So good bye Xbox 360, it was good to keep the dream alive, but I think I'll stick with the Wii.
After I beat Zelda (Almost there) I'll be sure to pick up a Wii on the Weekend, and a copy of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and Resident Evil 4.
Thanks readers, and I hope you enjoyed my comparison page.