Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hot Damn!

I. Hot Fuzz

Everyone needs to go see Hot Fuzz this second if they haven't already. Sometimes, even if they have seen it; it would be good to go again. Hot Fuzz was, without any sort of doubt, the funniest movie I have seen in a very long time. If not the funniest movie I've ever seen. Ever. The laughs kept going through the movie, and I can't think of a time where I wasn't happy about the film. The ending scenes had me roaring with laughter until I cried tears of sweet, sweet happiness. The final scenes that made me laugh so much were also filled with so much action that it would put many other Hollywood action movies to shame.

Definitely worth the watch, and I’m certainly going to be getting Hot Fuzz on DVD when it comes out!

II. The List Grows

Previously mentioned Stu's "The List" has grown bigger, and stronger than it once was. I'm going to really motor through the games I have though if I should have any hope of completing it. No games have been beaten yet, although I have progressed through Zelda and Half Life Source quite nicely. The On Hold list is looking a tad bigger than before, like so:

On Hold

1 – Pokémon Diamond (or Pearl) - DS

2 – Wii and some games* to be announced

3 – Final Fantasy VI - GBA

*Those some games will need to be released in order for me to purchase a Wii. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Metroid Prime 3, No More Heroes, or the very promising Spiderman 3. It all looks great! But I need them to be released and reviewed in order to convince me that the Wii is worth getting. And I'm really going to have to complete the games if I have any hope of getting anything on my On Hold list.

So ends my post in two parts. In A minor.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Looking Back

Viloent Video Game violence has been overlooked for far too long, and it is time someone put a stop to it. Heroic crusaders, such as Jack Thompson, have been trying to warn us of our own evil, and we did not pay him enough heed. Now look at the blood on our hands. I am speaking of one particular incident, and it may pain you to look back upon it, but fear not! Your eyes will be opened, and the truth shall be known!

I am of course talking about the horrendous massacre that took place on February 11th, 2006 where one Vice President Dick Cheney rampaged through a hunting ground and shot approximately one (1) lawyer in the face. It has been the worst Vice President-Lawyer shooting in the history of the universe. Ever. This tragedy happened

four hundred and eighty-three days ago, as of writing this, and it still draws tears to my eyes to imagine the horror that took place on the Quail hunting grounds that day.

Evidence suggests that United States Vice President Dick Cheney trained on the ultra-super violent hunting simulator known as “Duck Hunt”. The simulator taught Cheney how to shoot at a number of flying birds, and a retarded looking dog that was often mistaken as being a bird. Harry Whittington was mistaken as a Quail and shot in the face by the Vice President, much like one wo

uld shoot at the retarded dog out of misunderstanding, or anger. Is it just coincidence?

The Quail is a bird, with wings, much like a duck. Coincidence? Not likely. Unbeknownst to Harry Whittington, the only dog in this nightmarish video game reenactment; was him.

Cheney was never convicted for his despicable crimes, nor was he charged. The court has spoken on this case, but we have the chance to stand up, and shout in one, out-of-touch, senile, voice; that videogames must be stopped! We must take down the Videogame dynasty that released this killographic slaughter simulator, Nintendo, and make sure they can never be allowed to do this again! As well as stop all sales of Duck Hunt, and force the ESRB to change its rating to AO, or pull it off the market completely. It is up to us to stop videogames before they go the way of Rock and Roll, Comic Books, or Women, and destroy the entire planet.

Sadly, this Stu doesn’t think we’ve seen the last of duck-hunt related incidents, and I predict that they another one is on its way, far worse than anything we’ve seen so far. But I will not stop my crusade until Duck Hunt has been wiped from the memory of existence.

Who will videogames hurt next? This time it was the dog, Harry Whittington, but next time could it be the ducks? Could it be Nintendo? Could it be you?


Who likes the little duckies in the pond? Not videogamers, that's who!

. . . A Chick-a quack-quack.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The List

Let it be known to the world that I have a lot of catching up to do in the world of gaming! I’m still slowly progressing through Twilight Princess, and I have a lot of games on the waiting list, and they need to be beaten! With the release of the new Pokémon DS games I have come to a full realization of how slowly I have been progressing through games, and how vital it is that I get that game. (WiFi Pokémon? Fuck yeah!) So in a Jordan-inspired move (with some Brian “Whatcha playing” influence) I’ve decided to put out a list of games I need to beat, and games that are on the waiting list for being purchased.

I give you, the birth of Stu’s “The List”

The List

1 – The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - GCN

2 – Half Life: Source – PC

3 – Half Life 2 – PC

4 – Half Life 2: Episode One - PC

5 – Final Fantasy III – DS

On Hold

1 – Pokémon Diamond (or Pearl) - DS

2 – Wii and some games to be announced.

To be continued...when other games come out.

I wouldn’t expect me to do this with Wii Preparation-esque speed, but I will try to power through these games the best I can, so I can continue on with the On Hold list before it grows so massive that it devours my wallet entirly.

In other videogame related news: I just found out that Paul W.S. Anderson will be directing, writing, and producing a Castlevania *movie. Resident experts say all Castlevania fans have been suffering from symptoms that share a strange resemblance of being kicked in the testicle brothers.

Good Day!

*EDIT: I meant movie.

School Life

News from my less-than-entertaining High School life! How exciting!

So we have another newcomer to the Not-So-Round-Lunch-Table, and he is yet another reject from society. Our table seems to call out to the people who just don’t fit in anywhere, who are looking for refuge amongst the nerds, and says “Hey! Bug these people and sit over here!” It’s like Casablanca for losers!

This wouldn’t bother me so much if it weren’t for one very important, and irritating, detail. As these new people flock to our table it seems that Mike and myself are pushed to the outside, away from the main conversations, and to the forgotten outskirts of the table, and the new people gain our spots, and are automatically accepted into the table routine.

What the fuck?!

Table positions are not something that any new person can just come in and take away from us, yet it has been happening constantly. People who abandon their old tables because they’re not accepted come to our table and push Mike and I farther away from civilization. The Not-So-Round-Lunch-Table is not what it used to be, and spots are quickly filling up. I fear Mike and I will be pushed off the table completely, and we will be forced to found our own table. The table of rejects from the reject table? How depressing.

Also the newest addition to the table is a gamer nerd. He shares a videogame taste with me and Patrick, and he would be pretty cool if he wasn’t a jackass who ruins Twilight Princess. After I told him not to because Patrick and I hadn’t finished the game.

What an asshole!

Moving on…

This passing Friday was ‘Country Day’ at the school. A tradition that has been running for two years in a row in the entirety of my high school life. I was greeted at the “OJ Corel” with a glass of fresh orange drink, and loud shitty music. The question I asked the person who presented the bringer of juice was “What is this? Did I just finish a marathon?” and of course I was reminded that it was Country Day, and there was a country dance tonight!

“Right on,” I thought to myself, “I can stay home and play videogames!” So I did. Yes, that’s how cool I am, as you’re all well aware of by now. Just something about extremely loud dance/country/hip-hop music in a smelly room, with people who are so shit-faced they don’t even know where they are anymore, and the chance of being barfed on from all sides just doesn’t appeal to me for some reason. I guess I won’t be ready for University life! (Zing!)

...Damn I should have got some people together and we could have gone as the Cowboys from Hell. Zombie Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, and etc. Oh well, there's always next year.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Movies

Ah, the cinema. It’s the perfect place to catch a new movie with a few friends, perhaps a lady friend, or maybe even both at once. Recently I have gone to the local theatre to see both 300 and TMNT, both of which were, to my pleasant surprise, far greater than I had expected. It had been quite a long time since my last trip to the local cinema, and I had enjoyed myself despite the minute screen, and less-than spectacular sound.

Don’t get me wrong, I have seen my fair share of movies recently, although I have had to rent them, or go out of town to see them in a theatre. Why is this? Well, it seems that the Cinema has an outrageously cleaver business plan that I will simply call ‘We don’t play any fucking movies’

Now this is a complicated, and sound, business strategy, so try to stay with me here.

Step 1 is to find every movie people are looking forward to, and not get it. This is key to their plan. Casino Royal and 300 may seem like popular films that will make a lot of money, because they are. So, as part of the first step, they mustn’t get them until at least 90% of all potential customers have seen them already.

Step 2 involves stocking up on really bad films and keeping them in for months at a time. Years even, if it is a really shitty movie. Wild Hogs and The Fog are among these films. But you have to be careful about this. Our local cinema has made the mistake of getting a shitty movie like Wild Hogs, but it is actually doing well in the box office. After all, they're only human down there or at least some sort of heartless alien creature that is trying to impersonate a human.

The sound part of their strategy is next. It’s the sound of them urinating in my ears. Constantly. It’s like I’m going def, with pee.

There’s a little bit of town history for you.

The reason I bring this up is because I have recently discovered that the new British Comedy Hot Fuzz is coming to America and I want a piece of it. Knowing that I want to see this movie; it will no doubt mean that it will not be coming to this Town and its Hellish movie theatre. Rock on!

So I’ll leave you to comment with the Hot Fuzz movie trailer!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Lost Five But Found Glory

So, last night was filled with losing money, and conquering the vast regions of space. At work, a particular grocery store that starts with the letter ‘Z’ I was having a particularily rough time, what with spilling stuff, dropping boxes, and knocking salad off its display. So I decided that I would take my fifteen minute break, and settle down with some milk and one hell of a bagel.

What’s this now?

Oh, it seems that I had misplaced my five dollars. Well that’s just grand. I would have probably taken this news slightly better had my day been going well, and had it been the first time I had lost money at work. The pants have now cost me a total of fifteen dollars since I’ve gotten them, and all of that money has come from my work lunch/break funding. But this is both unexciting, and irrelevant to the main happenings of Saturday.

When I arrived home from my dreary day at work, I was informed that Andrew had gone off to one “Jordan’s House”. Well, that’s great, I think to myself, just fan-freaking-tastic. But, wait! I am expected to join the group to fill the shoes of the fourth player. So I down some very much needed food, and catch the next ride to the fabled Grant Residence.

I show up, and step inside, the first look into the house I’ve had in my sixteen years of living. I step downstairs, and join the crew, already at their stations, and expecting me, it seems. Jordan, Binks and I joined forces to defeat Andrew several times in Melee games, easily outnumbering, and destroying his forces. A few risqué capture the flags tactic gets Andrew right back in the game, and he’s determined to defeat us in one final match.

The arena is set, Binks as the dominant Protoss, and Jordan and I, by our powers combined, form Captain Plan – I mean a joint Terran force. Andrew starts off the game with a bang by destroying most of my base with several speedy marines, and I am forced to retreat to my allies’ side of the already small map.

Andrew builds up a sizeable force, revealed to us by Jordan’s communications satellite sweeps, and quickly launches a convert strike against Jordan’s base of operations. Many good people die, but Jordan lives, and begins to rise from the ashes, alongside me. Binks is still at large, and Jordan and I cower in his shadow, hoping to stay alive for as long as possible. We begin to build up small forces to defend ourselves as well as Binkle, the last hope. The map is completely divided, Andrew’s commie blue forces on the left, and our joint forces of freedom on the right, but the Blue army is quickly marching its way across the only bridge on the whole map.

Binkle protects his allies from complete obliteration, and begins to launch attacks on Andrew’s expanding bases. Jordan and I begin to ‘Shit disturb’ as we use our own small strike-groups to hit miners, supply depots and fetal bases. The battles rage on, and our Terran forces take a lot of land on the left, and the Royal Binks Air force begins to wipe out the remains of Andrew’s main Goliath forces. Andrew attempts to fight off the Binks Carriers with Terran Battle Cruisers, but it just isn’t enough. With an almost fully exhausted map, and one hell of a fight, the Glorious Allies of Binkle, Jordan and Stu claim victory over the Blue land of Andrew. Tanks may rust, Carriers may fall and Bullets may break, but our free people will never forget that day in history. Many have left us, but they will not die in our hearts!

Lest we forget the sacrifices made that day.

(It's late. Cut me some freakin' slack!)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

And You'll No Longer Burn to be...

Brothers In Arms.

This news is simply awesome. A Brothers in Arms game for the DS could be a marvelous addition to my DS Library if Ubisoft can get their collective act together. All of Ubisoft's recent games for Nintendo systems have been hitting the skids in the way of reviews. Red Steel, Prince of Persia, and Splinter Cell all, apparently, sucked on the Wii, but I'm sure they can pull out of that nose dive, and make an awesome DS game. After hearing Andrew tell tales of the Xbox counterpart I'm got nothing but high hopes and excitement for this game.

WiFi or multiplayer would make it even tastier. But I can only hope.

There are a lot of DS games coming over the horizon. I hope some of them are really good, rather than just having a billion mediocre games come out at once.