Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Looking Back, Forward, And Both Ways Before Crossing the Street

Well folks, it's finally over. The exams put up a good fight, but I'm pretty happy with them over all. I know my math exam could have gone a lot better, but I suppose there's not much I can do about it. Another drag was that I was pretty sure that 3/4 of my marks could only remain about the same, or go lower. So my marks will certainly drop from what they were at mid-term which is understandable, but when your marks go down you can't help but be a little bummed out.

Grade ten was a hell of a year! I was out of Student Council, and asked on a regular basis why I didn't return, if I was planning on running next year, and why I'm just plain awesome. It's nice to know that people liked what I did, and enjoyed my wacky antics, but it's also nice to think that I won't have to work with student council anymore. There are too many senior-grade girls whining constantly about workloads, exams, life, and says “how hot that guy is” or “How wasted we’re going to get” and not enough people getting the goddamn work done. Plus too many flamers whose possession of a genuine penis is rather questionable.

...Oh, yeah, right. This is not about that! In grade ten I managed to get a job, make some friends, finish some mandatory classes, and take another step towards post secondary - which is fast approaching for someone who has not one fucking idea of what he wants to do. The work loads were building up and grade ten religion was absolute hell. But I did gain something positive out of that whole experience: I no longer fear death. The rest of my classes were just fine, and the people were great! My classes for next year, although I don’t know the order, are as follows.

1 Biology
2 Chemistry
3 Physics
4 Mathematics
5 English
6 World Religion
7 Ancient History
8 Guitar

All of these are university courses, and I’ll get my needed Canadian studies, and Gym/Arts/Business credits. I chose to take another guitar class because I don’t really feel like I’d be much of an athlete and Guitar was easily my favorite class this year! Mr. C was an awesome teacher, and I actually enjoyed my homework, as well as the in-class work. Mr. Carroll said that they did offer a University Guitar class for Grade 11’s, so I jumped at the opportunity! I will just have to make sure that I relearn to read notes over the summer, and keep up with my playing in general.

That does it for this post. Look forward to the second of a confidential-number-of-posts in my summer extravaganza!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Awesomeness in 3 Parts

Behold, followers of the Soup! I have returned from my exam hibernation to bring to you a message of awesomeness! Those who instantly recognize its greatness: rejoice in it! Others: you shall go off to play Tales of Symphonia immediately!

That’s all. Also, I’m done Grade 10 Religion. FOREVER!

2 down 2 to go.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Part I: The Girl

I’ve made a decision on the Emily situation, since my constant switching of sides has surely caused some confusion. I have decided (not so much a decision as it is common sense) that I will try to be friends with her as best as I can. I will still get to hang out with her this way, on good terms, and no harm can come from having a female companion in life. If something happens to come up I may go for it, or I may not. It depends on how it feels when, or if, it comes up. Maybe it will feel right, or maybe it will feel weird. Either way, I won’t try to interfere with anything because I don’t want to fuck over someone’s life due to my own blundering selfishness. I’ll just be friends with Emily as much as I can manage, while respecting her separate life. Seems simple, and seems like what I was doing already, but I can at least treat her as more of a friend than just another girl in class.

Part II: Red Vs Blue

In other news, I’ve really gotten into Red Vs Blue just recently. I had watched a few clips of it on youtube, (a ‘The Best of Caboose” clip) and I decided to check out the whole series! I remember Binkle tried to show us a few episodes way way back when. Unfortunately our sound wasn’t working for some reason, so we couldn’t watch it. But now I’ve watched the first four seasons on Google Video, and caught up to where they have left off at the end of Season Five.

I was amazed that on the Monday that I got to episode 99 was the day they had released it! After than I had just found out that they were only making 100 episodes! I was excited to know I had jumped on the Red Vs Blue train just before it was finished, but at the same time I was disappointed that the series will end just as I get on board with it. Just like The Show with ZeFrank, it was a very strange feeling that something this good would be ended forever very soon.

It is a very clever show, funny from the beginning, and the plot becomes surprisingly genius as the show progresses. There is not a character I find annoying, and they’re all played so well. It’s a very well made series and I recommend you all check it out from the beginning, if you haven’t already. They make a lot of throw-back references, and the first season is pretty good anyway, unlike a lot of online material which takes a while to really get off the ground.

I’m currently getting each episode of season five in their low-quality offerings. It will have do for me unless I can suddenly purchase things from the inter-tubes, and feel like spending $20.00 (USD) a season!

Part III: The Test(s).

In other, other news: exams are starting soon. According to my planner, Period 1 starts on the afternoon of Thursday, the 21st, followed by period 2 on the Friday. This is the perfect set up, because I have my less important/difficult Religion and Communications Technology exams on those days, and then I get the whole weekend to review my Math and English, the more difficult (and important) of the two.

Studying should commence on the weekend, although I don’t know how faithful I will be to studying for Religion, and Math and English will seem so far away! At very least I will begin to review my math work, seeing how I find math to be my most difficult, as well as my most important, exam. Wish me luck and I will probably go into exam hibernation before I can update again, so prepare for radio silence until Tuesday the 26th!

Also: feel free to discuss why it’s stupid to have the period 3 and period 5 exams on the Monday, and the period 4 exam on the Tuesday, thus resulting in ruined lives of those university-hopefuls with something like University Physics Period 3, and University Chemistry Period 5, dealing with those two exams on the same day would be fuckin’ hell! Why not just give them period 3 and period 4 exams on the same day, thus giving them a break due to a period 4 lunch?

I leave you all now with this:

Sunday, June 3, 2007

I Laughed

If anyone has ever seen that treadmill music video: this is hilarious. It's done by "Nobody's Watching" I recommend looking at some of their stuff if you're ever bored, or procrastinating!



Friday, June 1, 2007

Unshelled Update

I know I haven’t posted in a very long while, so I apologize to all one and a half of my readers. I know that you guys, and parts of guys, have been demanding an update for sometime now. There hasn’t been much interesting going on, but I will fill you in on the semi-interesting bits of Stu life.

The two weeks have just been a flood of homework, tests, and projects after projects. All of my classes have taken drastic turns for the worse. Religion class is an absolute pain to go to now that I’m staying up later to finish homework, thus making me more tired for homeroom the next day. All of my notes are everywhere for religion and I have no idea how I am going to study for that exam. My homework load keeps filling itself back up, even when I attack it relentlessly for several hours on end. I will completely diminish the pile, projects and all, and the next day it will be back up to full strength. However I only have a few more weeks of this and now that this grand homework load has begun I know that the semester is in its final throws before exams and summer holidays begin. I’ve just got to keep it all up in the air, whilst attempting to enjoy my down time.

Math class has kept me entertained through the school year. Mr. O is an awesome teacher, despite what other people may think. He actually teaches the math, doesn’t take crap, and he’s hilarious! I’ve also been enjoying my Math class because of the cute girl who sits behind me. E, her name is. I’ve known E since my fist day of high school, and we sat beside each other in that homeroom science class. She always laughs at my jokes, and she’s fun to talk with. She was telling me about her experience with playing Silent Hill “the other night” and while on the subject I brought up Resident Evil. She was interested in a videogame! A Girl! Unfortunately she currently has a boyfriend, but I shall be biding my time. Waiting for it to not work out, hopefully, and perhaps I will be able to work up the man-bits to ask her out. At least I have developed a foundation to asking her out, and it won’t seem as though some stranger has asked her out from nowhere.

Sunday June 3rd, Part II: Wherein Logic Resides.

As Binkle/Jordan has pointed out in the first/Second comment, it would probably be a better, and more successful, idea to just be friends with her. Why would I want to put up with the troubles of having a girlfriend when I can just have the same amount of fun being a regular friend? Finding a female who enjoys a good videogame is like finding a diamond in the fucking dump. No need to mess it up and no need to make her feel like some sort of object along the way. So, kudos Binkle/Jordan! You’re thinking may have saved me form making a very silly decision.

The E situation shall be updated when new events and problems begin to arise.

I have been working for quite some time now, saving money up for my questionable post secondary schooling. However, I do have some other money saved up along side of it, that I am able to spend on…well, whatever! Through my experience with Communications Technology class, I’ve felt that movies were not only fun to work with, write, edit and direct but they were also very fun to make. I was thinking to dipping into some of my money and getting a relatively cheap Camcorder. Our family doesn’t have one right now, and I want to try to make some homemade short films. We worked with a program that’s only purpose was to add in lightsaber effects onto your film! I could film Andrew and I fighting with cardboard tubes, as we usually do, and add in all the cool sounds and visuals of a lightsaber duel! Perhaps even add in some of the Kill Bill sound track just for kicks. But maybe it is all just a daydream, for I don’t know when I would do this, or even how long my interest in films will last. At any rate, I could just use the film setting on a digital camera for now, and see how I enjoy writing, filming and editing before I make any sort of large investment into a camcorder.

Plus I still need to keep some money around for when a Wii is finally worth getting!

This will probably do for now. I’ll have probably have more updates closer to exams as I procrastinate from studying.