I’ve got my classes for the next two terms, and my marks from the last one. I’ve actually had them for a while, but I couldn’t be bothered to put them up. I can’t imagine that there’s too much demand for up-to-the-minute Stu updates, and I’m only putting them up now for general knowledge, and pride.
Final Marks
Religion - 80
Communications Technology - 90
Math - 88
English – 86
Average 86%
Over all I’m pretty happy with my marks, despite the predicted fall of numbers. As it turns out my slow-handed righting is going to be quite troublesome, and I should probably look to fix that before Grade 11 and 12 exams come up lest I shit all over my future, and potential career choices.
My future classes are as follows, keeping in mind that I do not have the actual schedule on hand so I do not know the teacher names, but I wish I did have it in order to explain some changes to the time-table. Now, instead of having periods 2 - 4 lunches they all occur on a 2 hour long period 3. Grade 9s have their lunch for the first 40 minutes, grade 10's have their class interupted for the second 40 minutes, and 11's and 12's will be having theirs for the final 40 minutes of period 3. Feel free to discuss that. However, even if I did have the schedule on me, I would probably keep teachers anonymous in case they chose to google their names, and see what things some jackass kids are saying about them on the inter-tubes.
Semester 1
World Religion
Semester 2
Ancient History
It should be a fun-filled, eventful, and busy year. But we don’t need to worry about that quite yet.
Part II: Bee-Eff-Eff
So, I'm sure regular readership all remembers my soft spot for that girl in my math class, she knows who she is! Anyway, the short version of the story was to befriend the female, in hopes of increasing hangout time, and getting to know her. Well, it actually worked a lot better than I could have possibly hoped!
It was several weeks ago, the day that Harry Potter and the Order of the
So we went and watched the movie, quietly making ridiculous suggestions to improve the movie, mocking the huge gaps missing from the plot, and just making conversation the whole night, laughing away. Since then we’ve hung out for the vast majority of the waking hours on several days of the week, joined with good-guy Tank. That most-popular Mr. Smith's son. The three of us have watched Kung-Fu Hustle, Hot Fuzz, Reservoir Dogs, and 300 just this week, as well as billiards, guitar hero, swimming, mission, and walking around aimlessly. It's be a few weeks of a lot of fun, and I'm surprised that i didn't really have to put much effort into befriending her, and yet it has turned out so great! Hurray for things that put themselves together, eh?
So far I am about halfway through my summer vacation, and I still have loads to do. Beating a few games, going on a wacky family vacation, and re-teaching myself music notes, and their corresponding placements on a guitar, as well as keeping up with the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. So far I’ve made some new friends, found a deadly spider, beaten some games, and watched some really, really awesome movies. The seconds half should be awesome and should at least provide me with some interesting posts.