Friday, September 7, 2007

I Have Eight Sides On Me

The beginning of this school year makes me think of a very simple analogy to generalize the school, and the certain quality it has that erodes your will-power, and determination. The idea came to me whilst listening to Mike and Jerry, otherwise known as Gabe and Tycho, from Penny Arcade.

It is as though I have entered The Octagon with some sort of freak personification of School. The match plays out in slow-motion, and School's unbeatable strategy, as with all other UFC fighters, is to drag me onto the ground in some sort of snake-like death grip, and punch me in the balls until I lose to will to go on.

Sure, for the first agonizingly slow moments of frame by frame progression, I may try to fight back against the ball-punching death-grip. Maybe I punch it in the face a few times before it takes me to the ground. However, it does get a hold of me and maybe I will grab a hold of the cage in a desperate attempt to pull myself up, while my scrotum is being reduced to something that resembles the daily plate in the Cafetorium. I would try, but, not unlike in UFC, the ball punching always wins out. No victory is worth going through that. Such as this, school does ware you out, and you will get tired of it eventually. But I am determined, just this once, to hang through the brutal ball-punching mayhem, and emerge victorious over the year! I will dominate it! Than I will return next year, to defend my title, and some sort of gigantic novelty belt that I got for being the champion.

So, yeah, I hope you enjoyed that little bit. School has started again, and it's enjoyable for the most-part. For some reason, being surrounded by annoying, and artsy, incredibly uninteresting, people in Math class has made it a goddamn chore. We will prevail! For the joys of Mathematics and the high-hopes of lunch will allow me to plow through the day, to the enjoyable hour and fifteen minutes of Physics! Hurrah!