Monday, December 24, 2007

Holiday Mode on Telegraph Road

Happy holidays readers! I hope Christmas has been kind to you all, and exams have taken no casualties. My update is cutting it extremely close to January, which would leave December 2007 completely postless, like animals! I promised myself that I would never let that happen when I started this blog, and I’ve done a good job of it so far.

My holiday break started off as good as it could get. No homework in sight, other some much much needed Community service hours I still need to get. Christmas shopping still needed to get done, but that’s never much of a hassle. I’ve gotten plenty of hours at work, and the money pile has been building up for sometime. Unfortunately the pile may still be growing between the hours of 1:30 and 6:30 on Monday night! That’s correct. This Monday night! I will try everything within my power to get a shift switched to be with the gang at Kings, but I can’t make any promises! However, I would walk through two and a half feet of snow to the Shop if I needed to.

-This portion of the post has been removed by Stu. Tough shit everyone.-

Christmas was pretty rockin’ this year. My gifts seemed to have been well accepted. I had gotten my brother a cool Orbital desktop novelty. Some of your may be able to see it one day. I also got him a nifty Calendar themed after various WWII fighter planes. He seemed to like it well enough, but I found it extremely difficult to shop for him this year. With no ideas given to me, I couldn’t have shot more into the dark. Well, I guess if I stopped in at La Senza…

For my mother Andrew and I got her a book that she asked for about Canada’s oldest cemeteries. Of course, I was uninformed, and we both managed to pick up a copy. One has to be returned, but that’s how it goes, I suppose.

For my father I purchased a generic box of Milk Minties chocolates. Getting people chocolate always seems like such an impersonal gift. However I also managed to find a copy of Uncle John’s Gigantic Bathroom Reader. A massive 750 page addition bathroom reader series. My father always seems to enjoy reading those, so it seemed like the perfect addition!

Myself? I got a Wii from my parents, which was a very nice surprise. I honestly didn’t expect them to find one with all the hype it has been receiving of late. Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and Resident Evil 4 are the games I got as well as a copy of Final Fantasy IV for the GBA. MP:3 from Andrew. I also got a nice pair of Ear-buds, and Dire Straits: Alchemy Live CD from my aunt and uncle, and a book entitled The Jesuit and the Skull from my Grandfather. I believe it’s supposed to be the story (although I think it may be nonfiction.) of a man in a Religious Community who makes a remarkable discovery in the field of Evolution. Varied other gifts of candy and chocolate were also received.

I also got a visit from E on Christmas Eve Eve! She brought me a shirt for Christmas, and I felt extremely bad. I had never gotten my friends anything for Christmas before, what with being a man and all, so I had never even considered getting her anything. I opened it up to see a homemade t-shirt that had the Mountain Dew Logo on it, with the words ‘Do the Dew Stu’ plastered overtop of it. Just like I said I wanted during the summer all of those long months ago. She really is a good friend.

I managed to book tomorrow off of work, so I’ll see you punks for some New Years III. For now just keep on living.