Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Looking Back, Forward, And Both Ways Before Crossing the Street

Well folks, it's finally over. The exams put up a good fight, but I'm pretty happy with them over all. I know my math exam could have gone a lot better, but I suppose there's not much I can do about it. Another drag was that I was pretty sure that 3/4 of my marks could only remain about the same, or go lower. So my marks will certainly drop from what they were at mid-term which is understandable, but when your marks go down you can't help but be a little bummed out.

Grade ten was a hell of a year! I was out of Student Council, and asked on a regular basis why I didn't return, if I was planning on running next year, and why I'm just plain awesome. It's nice to know that people liked what I did, and enjoyed my wacky antics, but it's also nice to think that I won't have to work with student council anymore. There are too many senior-grade girls whining constantly about workloads, exams, life, and says “how hot that guy is” or “How wasted we’re going to get” and not enough people getting the goddamn work done. Plus too many flamers whose possession of a genuine penis is rather questionable.

...Oh, yeah, right. This is not about that! In grade ten I managed to get a job, make some friends, finish some mandatory classes, and take another step towards post secondary - which is fast approaching for someone who has not one fucking idea of what he wants to do. The work loads were building up and grade ten religion was absolute hell. But I did gain something positive out of that whole experience: I no longer fear death. The rest of my classes were just fine, and the people were great! My classes for next year, although I don’t know the order, are as follows.

1 Biology
2 Chemistry
3 Physics
4 Mathematics
5 English
6 World Religion
7 Ancient History
8 Guitar

All of these are university courses, and I’ll get my needed Canadian studies, and Gym/Arts/Business credits. I chose to take another guitar class because I don’t really feel like I’d be much of an athlete and Guitar was easily my favorite class this year! Mr. C was an awesome teacher, and I actually enjoyed my homework, as well as the in-class work. Mr. Carroll said that they did offer a University Guitar class for Grade 11’s, so I jumped at the opportunity! I will just have to make sure that I relearn to read notes over the summer, and keep up with my playing in general.

That does it for this post. Look forward to the second of a confidential-number-of-posts in my summer extravaganza!


Unknown said...

If you can afford the time, it's great to take at least one course a year that you genuinely enjoy.

I find that being really engaged in at least one class makes the weeks go faster (in a good way) and helps keep me focused in other classes - instead of, "All my classes suck, I hate school, I hate everything"

Glad things went pretty well. Maybe you should go for PM - at least that way you could set the agenda of council.

JGrant said...

Pfft. From what I saw, the Prime Minister doesn't do that much either. It's always been Damen and Selbie who run the council, and decide what to talk about. In the meetings though, it would always seem like they'd pull a "Now, don't you [Prime Minister] think that we should discuss this thing."

"Oh, yeah. I guess."

But then again, the council I was on was...sinking.

And excellent choices for courses Stu. Although I'm not a big fan of biology, and I never took it, I've heard good things. And you cannot go wrong with Mr. Smith's physics. You just can't. Ever.

Stu said...

"But then again, the council I was on was...sinking."

Yeah, and you pushed away all of the women and children, offering a quick "Get the fuck out of my way!" and ran to the life boats.

All of the life boats. Rowing them all in a bizarre display of flailing limbs and profanity.

I’m taking Biology to leave the possibility of being a Doctor open. It is certainly a career choice I’m interested in.

JGrant said...

Dr. Hulbert eh?

Has a nice ring to it.